How Will The Length Of My Marriage Affect My Divorce?

When you and your spouse are no longer compatible, you may be wondering whether divorce is the right option for you. But it stands to reason that the longer you have been married, the more impactful your divorce will be on both spouses’ lives.

There are various elements that go into obtaining a divorce in PA, including the distribution of your debts, assets, and property and whether financial support will be ordered. If you and your spouse are able to come together so that both parties are able to move on with their lives, your divorce will go much more smoothly than if the judge needs to make these decisions on your behalf.

If you are interested in learning more about how the length of your marriage will impact these components of your impending divorce, continue reading.

Equitable Distribution in PA

Figuring out which spouse retains which possessions and debts is referred to as the equitable distribution process in Pennsylvania. If you have been married for many years, it is likely that you will find it more challenging to separate your belongings, as the majority of them will have been acquired and purchased together to benefit your marriage.

Generally speaking, any assets or property you brought into the marriage will remain yours if you choose to divorce. The rest will need to be divvied between you and your spouse. For example, one spouse might keep your stocks and bonds, while the other keeps the home you shared together.

Ultimately, you will want to try to work these details out with your spouse as opposed to going up against them. Otherwise, your divorce proceedings will not only take longer to finalize but will likely be much more costly for both parties.

Are You Entitled to Spousal Support?

The length of your marriage can largely affect whether a spousal support or alimony order will be issued. Let’s say you and your spouse were married for decades, and one spouse did not work and has no job skills that will allow them to provide for themselves.

The chances are good that the lesser-earning spouse will be granted financial assistance until they are able to continue supporting their standard of living without help.

Alternatively, if you were only married for a short while, and both spouses are able to support themselves without assistance, the judge may find that a spousal support or alimony order is unnecessary. Due to the fact that several factors can come into play when spousal support is being considered, reaching out to a highly trained spousal support attorney would be well-advised.

Reach out to a PA Divorce Lawyer

Making the decision to end your marriage, whether you have only been married a short while or have spent the better part of your lives together, could not have been easy. But having a PA divorce lawyer at Taybron Law Firm, LLC, P.C. represents you can decrease the burdens you will bear for the duration of your divorce proceedings.

You can come in for an initial consultation with one of our regarded attorneys by giving our office a call at (412) 231-9786 or by completing the brief contact form we have provided at the bottom of this page.

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