Valentine’s Day Post-Divorce: Define It Broadly!

Happy Valentine’s Day from our Allegheny County Family Law Attorneys! With our law practice centered around family law, many of our clients are going through their first, or one of their first Valentine’s Days post-divorce, which makes this day seem less-than-exciting. Our challenge to everyone today, whether in a relationship or not, is to remember the purpose of this day. The heart-shaped candies and cards full of hearts are not coincidental – they are there as a symbol of love and a reminder about what this day is really about. Sure, most think of Valentine’s Day as a day for romantic love, but love comes in many shapes and sizes.

Read further for our tips on how to make this Valentine’s Day a special one!

Spend time with the kids. Whether you make them a nice meal, or sit down at the table and have your kids show you the Valentine’s they have exchanged at school, you can make Valentine’s Day special by creating traditions with your children that will remind them that this day is all about love. This could simply be done by just spending some extra quality time with them this evening after work.

Give some TLC to your pets. Who says your dog or cat can’t be your Valentine?! After all, animals are always there to provide unconditional love. Stop and buy your pet a treat on your way home today, and remind them that they are special too!

Make a date with a friend. Have another friend who is single on Valentine’s Day or a friend you haven’t had the time to catch up with recently? Schedule a dinner date with them!

If you are in a relationship, find a special way to remind your significant other that you care for them. Buying flowers or candy is always a nice gesture, but try something different this year. Maybe it’s a nice quiet home-cooked meal, or a shoulder massage after dinner. Or maybe it’s that perfect card to remind them that they truly are special. Whatever you decide to do, make it special in your own way. Don’t like mushy love movies? How about watching that movie your partner has wanted to watch for a long time that you haven’t gotten around to?

Take care of yourself. Remember, “you have to truly love yourself before you can love another.” Take some “me” time today. Whether it is some morning yoga, or a long bath and a nice cup of tea after work, take some time to relax and pamper yourself.

Happy Valentine’s Day from us at Taybron Law Firm, LLC!

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